تمور زغلول

تتميز بقشرتها ذات اللون الأحمر الداكن إلى اللون العنابي وقوامها المقرمش المشابه للتفاح.

تمور زغلول

Zaghloul Dates: A Taste of Egyptian Heritage

تمور زغلول, also known as Red Dates, are a unique variety native to Egypt. These dates are renowned for their distinctive deep red to burgundy skin and their crisp, apple-like texture. Unlike many other date varieties, Zaghloul dates are often enjoyed in their semi-ripened stage, offering a refreshing and slightly tart flavor.

A Taste of History

Date cultivation has a long history in Egypt, dating back to ancient times. Zaghloul dates are a testament to this rich agricultural heritage. They are grown primarily in specific regions of Egypt and are considered a prized delicacy.

المواصفات: تمور زغلول